Tuesday, November 29, 2016

wuff you

My dear sweet Jocelyn babe,
You are so much fun. We love you dearly. I'm pretty positive you are still the family favorite ;) Mariah and Halle and Daniel are constantly reeling me, "mom, Jocelyn is so cute" "I love her so much" "look at Joce, mom!" "Jocelyn is so sweet" etc. you started crawling at 11 months. You started taking your first steps at 16 months. You've been quite the talker for awhile. Your main words right now are... mommy (usually only when you are really mad and want me)
Daddy (you say all the time!) riah, uh oh, hi, hello, bye, you are constantly blowing kisses and saying mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmwah,  you say daint do (thank you) probably the most everyday. You always say daint do when we give you anything. Even if you're sad and crying. You're the sweetest little button. You also say meow, or rah, baba, bibi (binky) nana (banana), mmmmmm (when you eat something yummy), no (as you of your head yes) 😂 it's the funniest thing you just started doing  you always give kisses. If you know someone is sadd or you hit one of us in the face just playing around and we make a sad face you always say mmmmmmwah and kiss us better. You kiss all the stuffed animals on the mouth mmmmmwah, you kiss prince and Rico all the time in their backs. You walk everywhere now and it's the cutest unsteady walk. I love you more than you could ever know. I feel so blessed to be your mom and I'm so thankful to our Heavenly Father for you in our family. We all are. Love you baby J 
Oh and the other thing why I started this post! Yesterday you said for the first time, "wuff you" and you said "daint do" when I gave you your bottle. Melted my heart. I love you too sweet girl. 

Oxox love mom

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